Free “Mediterraneo” wallpapers.

Hey, ciao!
As you know, I released my latest single “Mediterraneo”, an introspective journey where the destination is actually the departure.

To celebrate this adventure of music and self-discovery, the Artificial Visions team and I have created exclusive wallpapers inspired by the “Mediterraneo” cover art.
These wallpapers are completely free, a small souvenir from this beautiful voyage we’re on together.

Desktop Wallpapers.

Download 7 desktop wallpapers in high resolution.
5824 x 3264 pixels (aspect ratio 16:9), 169,7 MB, .zip file.

Phone Wallpapers.

Download 10 phone wallpapers.
816 x 1456 pixels (aspect ratio 9:16), 15,4 MB, .zip file.

If you want to find out more about Artificial Visions‘ work, I’ll let you browse their Instagram.

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